Sunday, December 3, 2017
God, Sex and Hallmark Movies
Do you ever think God is trying to tell you something? I haven’t been putting the finishing touches to Eli and Mia’s story because I’ve been avoiding fixing the love scenes. Yeah, the sex is holding me up in my sexy story I love love love reading sex scenes in books. Writing them, of course, is a whole other story. It’s like bathing with a swim suit on. You can get the job done, but not the way you’d want, at least not without a lot of work. So I’ve been doing everything except editing them, including watching a lot of Hallmark Christmas movies (they’re on 24/7). And I kid you not, as I’m typing this blog, the movie I’m watching is about a newbie romance writer who is scared to write and share her work. Which means she’s only ¾ the way done with her work in progress. Seriously. God is obviously trying to tell me something, so I’ve decided to listen this time. I suspect he’s been whispering to me for a while, but he’s finally decided to beat me over my stubborn head. As soon as I finish The Mistletoe Inn (it’s really good) I’m going to start tackling those sex scenes.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
I Hope You Dance
I'll be honest, I didn't know what I wanted to write about in this blog post. Since last we met, a lot has happened. I lost a friend to breast cancer (too, too many people are dying from this disease), I missed out on a concert I'd been planning to see for 3 years (one day I'll see you Janet), I edged ever closer to my fifties (whatever happened to 30 being old ? :)), and I moved into a motel (only temporarily, thank God). Of course, of all of these, it is the loss of my friend that has affected me the most. So in remembrance of her, and to remind all of us that life is short and to enjoy it to the fullest, here is some Lee Ann.
Sunday, October 1, 2017
A Little Help From My Friends
Every September I go into the Irish Hills of Michigan with my writer friends and we brainstorm new stories and write. And then we write and brainstorm more stories. It is 2 glorious days of being with my people and a better inspiration, I could not ask for. I hope your friends are as great as mine! Oh and as a teaser, I think I might be writing about an old hero whose story I've been kicking around for years. He's one to love for many many reasons, and though he has no name yet, he's known as Humpman at brainstorming. I'll let you speculate why :)
Monday, September 4, 2017
Labor of Love

Sunday, August 6, 2017
Butterfly Girl
Long time so no see my friends. I kid, I kid! I love this image. It reminds me that August is here and autumn is on its way. There is something very bittersweet in that realization. While it will be weeks before the leaves fall, once August is here winter seems so much more of a reality. August reminds me that I need to take advantage of the beautiful weather while I can. I hope you're taking advantage of all that summer offers!
Thursday, July 13, 2017
Better Late Than Never
So, do me a favor and pretend this is July 5. That's when I was supposed to write this post. Well, actually it was supposed to be posted on July 2, but then I decided to write about the Seattle fireworks. Unfortunately, I've been having technical difficulties for well over a week and haven't been able to access my blog--bummer, I know. And if you knew anything about me you'd know I'm terrible with technology. I'm still trying to figure out my smartphone (true story). But I digress, I'm still having trouble with the blog. Heck, I hope I can post this.
Okay, so it's July 5 and I've just come back from watching Seattle's amazing fireworks. Thanks to my connections (ie my sister in law) I got an amazing view. I just love the boom and reverberation of fireworks and the feeling as if you're going to be singed by one of the flickering lights. Just the best thing ever! I was going to write more, but well, it is clearly not July 4 or the 5th or even the 11th, so I'll keep this short. I hope everyone is having a fabulous summer. See you next month (in like two weeks :) ).
Sunday, June 4, 2017
Learning to Let Go
I mentioned in a previous blog post that I have fallen in love with perfume. It is my new hobby and obsession. An incredible scent can keep me smiling all day long. Or it can keep me online doing research to learn more and trying to find a good deal. But I’ve learned from this hobby that nothing is forever. Perfumistas are constantly bemoaning the discontinuation of a love or howling at the reformulation of a favorite. I recently realized this hobby might exist to teach me how to let go of something that I might love. And, to always remember that a new love might be right around the corner. I suppose my characters also need to learn there is always an abundance of love so long as they are willing to let go of the past and be open to the future. Hmm, I hope Tariq and Katiya from my newest work, The Sheik and the Shake, can learn this lesson quickly or boy are they in for a hard ride (hint hint ).
Sunday, May 7, 2017
Ride'em Cowgirl!
Mia's a brunette and nowhere in Love's Holiday is she in cowgirl gear, but for some reason this reminds me of her. Maybe I need to get her in a cowgirl hat and boots, so she can lasso Eli right up and drag her to bed :)
Sunday, April 2, 2017
Love Those Tropes
Confession time, the beauty and the beast trope is my absolute favorite in romance(never mind that The Brave Little Tailor was my favorite fairy tale growing up, but that's for another blog post). There's something about a wounded hero and the heroine who's willing to look past the surface that just tugs at my heart. Plus the whole captive thing appeals to my kinky side :). Oddly enough, I haven't ever seen Disney's version of Beauty and the Beast--probably because I was grown by the time it was released and I'm only now indulging in cartoon movies(as a matter of fact my honey and I are watching Moana as I write this blog post). But despite missing the cartoon, I ran to the live action version, and of course I loved it. I loved the diverse cast, the gay overtones, the costumes, the singing, the... well everything. So if you haven't already, grab your boo, or a friend or a kid (it doesn't have to be yours)and indulge in a little unconditional love on the big screen.
Sunday, March 5, 2017
Back To School Again
Okay, so I’m not actually going back to school (sorry Dad, no PhD for me), but I am taking Angela James’s online course Before You Hit Send. And it is a lifesaver. I was going to send Holiday Love (Mia and Eli’s story) out the door with one more pass but something didn’t feel right. I needed a little more editing direction, and then entered Angela James like a fairy god mother come to save me. So I’ve pushed back deadlines to edit this sucker right. I want you to see Eli and Mia in the best light possible, so what’s a month or two longer wait? In the meantime, I’ll still be working on story about a desert sheik and the bellydancer who was captured his heart and mind (and lusts :). You’re going to love them too!
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Sunday, January 1, 2017
You're My Obsession
I have a confession yall. I have become totally obsessed with perfume! This is a new obsession that was kicked off by a small gift of Opium from my aunt a little over a month ago. I got that little bottle in my hand and a switch just turned on. I needed more. At first I was consumed with finding vintage Opium, a scent I’ve loved since childhood. That search led me to perfume blogs (who knew that was a thing?) where writers lyrically wrote about scents, notes, noses and houses. Next came forums where enthusiasts have convinced me that I need certain bottles in my collection—thanks Fragrantica! I’m ashamed to say that Ebay has seen too much of me these last few weeks and I’m afraid to look at my next credit card statement. But I’ve realized that life is too short and I’ve decided I need to go through the next phase of life happily sniffing myself
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