You may or may not know, but I have a day job. And frankly, Labor Day makes me thankful I have that 9 to 5 (actually7:15 to 2:45). It reminds me that I don’t have to depend on my writing income to support myself and my household. Before I joined Romance Writers of America, I thought the life of a romance writer involved eating bon bons, wearing pink boas, and doing a lot of lounging. Every once in a while said writer would effortlessly tap out a book and then go back to eating those sweets.
Now I know writing is a hustle, probably more than ever before. It’s definitely a labor. I’m okay if my day job is laborious but I don’t want my writing to become a chore. I want to write what I love and not worry about paying my mortgage. Don’t get me wrong, I’d trade places with EL James in a minute, but for now I’m happy being able to have the best of both worlds. Have a great Labor Day, hopefully you’ll enjoy it as much as I will (tapping away at my computer).